
Can You Believe These Clowns was started as a little experiment using various AI tools – it was refreshing to hear some politicians “saying exactly what they mean in their own voices”.

Instead of the usual bollocks they spin out constantly.

This is not a partisan website but targetting any specific audience but will take the piss out of any and all politicians and the absurdities of where we find ourselves as a country now.

Unfortunately, the current (and previous governments) are such easy targets, it is frankly pitiful and risible.

The main traditional political parties have so lost touch with the average voters concerns it simply defies belief.

Are the new parties some panacea?

Well, it seems the entire political system needs shaking including electoral reform, a total rebalancing of public expectations and the public sector and a lot more personal reponsibility and family reponsibility taken.

Welfare reform, energy reform and security, border security and actively encouraging growth in the private sector are all reas that will be explored in detailed posts in addition to the hopefully amusing video content.